Monday, March 21, 2011

What kind of truck does a pig drive?

A "pig-up" truck, of course!  Just a little farm humor, since nothing else is really going on around here.  The cows are enjoying their daily feed and doing some grazing on the little bit of green grass showing in their pasture.  It seems they are always ready for some feed, whether they have been fed or not.  Today when I pulled in the driveway, I was greeted by 18 happy cows running down the hill toward me.  Sometimes I wonder if the fence will stop them before my car does!  Unfortunately for them, I was not the one doing the feeding.  Their dad, aka my husband, was not home yet and I was not about to try carrying over 50 lbs of feed up the hill with hungry cows on my heels.  I decided they could wait a few minutes!  Once KC got home, he brought in the mail. Much to my delight my seeds for the garden arrived today.  I had pretty much forgot what I had ordered.  Now if it would just stay warm, I could start planting...


  1. Hi Jessi!! Yes I remember you and thanks so much for visiting my site as well as a comment!! I'm glad that my experience blogging influenced you to start your own blog! Love the posts so far!

    Sharing what you learn in farm school would be good posts too so keep that in mind! Looking to read how your 2 acres evolves as you learn and write!

    City Chic on a Farm

  2. Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower. You have given me some good ideas! We actually have 200+ acres...I'm sure it will keep us busy as we begin utilizing all of our resources!
