Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Curious Cows

Before having cattle, I would have thought that cows are oblivious and only care about eating grass, chewing cud, drinking water, and pooping.  Much to my surprise, they are intrigued by many things.  If the four- wheeler is sitting in the field with or without me on it, they like to lick the fenders, seat, and handlebars, while also pulling materials out of the box on the back. There is also an old, run down building sitting in their pasture.  It never fails...they are always in it looking for new treasures. Sure the building needs cleaned out and torn down, but the cows should wait for us humans to do it!  The first thing they ever pulled out was an old orange plastic flag.  Once the flag was outside on the ground, all of them surrounded the foreign object checking it out.  What they wanted with it, I have no idea.  Since that time, they have pulled the door off and random things keep appearing outside the building, such as green caution tape and other odd items.  Just today, the husband went to add mineral to the feeder for the rascals and found an empty feeder with only part of a weedeater string laying in the bottom.  Obviously, the string didn't jump in there itself and we didn't put it there.  It could only be the cows...

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