Friday, April 15, 2011

Hard Goodbyes

The time has come for some of my favorite heifers to leave the farm.  I knew the day would come sooner or later.  Tomorrow is possibly that day.  The husband says it might happen tomorrow, but he isn't sure because it's supposed to rain.  Less than a year ago these two heifers came to our farm.  The one girl is a Charolais; the other I'm not so sure, but she is yellow in color.  Their names are White Lightning, a.k.a. Whitey, and Butterscotch.  Whitey first got her name the day after she arrived in the field.  She was quite excitable and pretty much crazy.   She was great at escaping and learned to put her head under the gate to pop off the hinges quite quickly.  I never thought we would get Whitey back in her pen, and I remember telling KC to sell her ASAP.  Butterscotch was only slightly better.  I never thought I would be sad to see them go.  Each day I pull my car up the driveway, Whitey and Butterscotch lead the crew down through the field to the fence to greet me.    They are still skiddish and freak out when a human or dog or cat gets too close.  Once while feeding the "kids," KC reached out to pet Butterscotch.  Not such a good moooove.  She jumped and fell into the feed trough.  Flailing to get out, we thought she would hurt herself for sure.  Once she got herself under control, we were able to see no harm was done to her or the trough.  These cows come to our farm for only a short time, and during that time they become part of our family.  Maybe the rain will let them stay part of our family for a little longer...

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